Why You Should Never Clean Your Pipes with Home Remedies

Most property owners assume that clogs are small plumbing issues that can be addressed with a drain cleaning product, a snake or some hot water and vinegar. Even with the best intent, opting for a DIY pipe cleaning solution can cause more problems than solve them.

Here are some reasons why it’s best to leave the clogs to the experts:

Improper Use of Tools Can Damage A Good Pipe

Whenever you use a makeshift hanger to try and loosen the hard clog in your kitchen sink, your toilet or bathroom drain, there’s a chance that you poke a new hole in the weakened sections and cause a leak or a break. The debris that’s causing your sewer to back up can be located deep underground, buried under your home foundation, slabs or flooring and will be impossible to reach with household items.

Drain Solutions Can Cause Advanced Corrosion

Drain liquids may work to a degree, but some of the more stubborn debris and years of calcified matter will get left behind. Sooner or later, the clog from the same spot comes back and you’ll have another plumbing issue in your hands.

Chemicals Can Be Harmful for Your Health

Pouring down drain cleaning products on a kitchen sink that has a garbage disposal is dangerous. The operating mechanism of the disposal can spray the corrosive liquid back and cause burns to your skin, hair or eyes. We wouldn’t recommend using vinegar or bleach as the ingredients and fumes can be toxic and harmful for your pipes and your health.

Higher Risk of Clogs and Emergencies

Pouring down bleach can cause a reaction with other substances and compounds in the drain pipes, further plugging up your plumbing. Home remedies add more items to come in contact with your pipe materials and calcified deposits, which increases the chance of sewer line failures and plumbing emergencies. Eventually, you’ll have to call in a professional to have your pipes properly cleaned or repaired.

Instead of reaching for do-it-yourself pipe cleaner, call your local team at The Pipeshark. Our latest equipment and skill can eliminate the source of the clog problem quickly and with minimal disruption. Hydro jetting and HD camera ensures a proper flow and you get the best solution in the long term.

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