Pipe Bursting vs Pipe Relining

When you encounter problems with your sewer system, you may be wondering whether to replace a part or the whole system. Unfortunately, repairs to the sewer system can be hard to deal with. Nonetheless, the Pipeshark will help you with all your sewer line problems to make sure that it is restored to normal. The company uses the best pipe bursting technology to achieve a properly working sewer system.

Understanding Pipe Bursting

Pipe bursting refers to trenchless sewer repair rather than digging long trenches to remove the damaged pipe section. will push the old pipe, and when it explodes, it is taken off the ground. Once the old pipe is removed, a new one is installed, which does not require digging holes. For installation and repair, you’ll need the top pipe bursting contractors.

A Look at Pipe Relining

Pipe relining is a process of placing new smaller pipes in old pipes. The new pipe is pushed in the old pipe from an access point, and resin-soaked fiber sleeves are allowed to cure once they become solid, the leaking stops.

Which is better?

Trenchless pipe bursting in Paoli, PA can serve as a better method of maintaining your sewer system because it is more comprehensive. Pipe relining only treats the area that has significant damage. We will recommend that you get an entirely new line should the issue be quite extensive.

If you are on a fixed budget, you may use pipe relining as it is more affordable. But you can always contact our team of experts for the best pipe bursting services. Our experts will help you decide which solution is better for your damaged sewer line.

If you are in a dilemma about replacing your sewer system or repairing the damaged area, worry no more. Our team of experts will ensure that we advise you on the best method for our pipes. The team uses only reliable pipe bursting equipment to make sure our clients can benefit from our services for a long time.

Call us or fill out the online form to schedule an appointment with Pipeshark.