What You Should Know About Cast Iron Pipes

Certain parts of your plumbing system may feature cast iron pipes. While cast-iron pipes can last for more than 100 years, shifting soil and tree root protrusion can cause leaks. Fortunately, complete pipe replacement is no longer a necessity. Pipeshark offers trenchless pipe lining in Paoli, PA. Let’s take a closer look at this repair technology.

No Relocation Required

In the past, completely replacing a damaged pipe was the only option. This means homes and businesses are unable to use their plumbing for up to a week. As it’s not safe for anyone to be near the work area, relocation was often required. However, pipe lining companies in Paoli, PA, can now make permanent repairs without needing to perform any major digging. The entire job can be completed in just a few hours.

More Affordable

CIPP pipe lining in Paoli, PA, is ideal for property owners who want to enjoy lower repair costs. Complete pipe replacement is substantially more expensive. To replace an underground water line, companies must bring in heavy-duty machinery. Aside from the expense of this equipment, you need to factor in the cost of labor.

Long-Lasting Results

Cast iron pipe lining in Paoli, PA, isn’t just a temporary fix. It’s made to truly withstand the test of time. The special epoxy resin ensures a watertight seal that can last for more than 50 years. You won’t have to worry about encountering a leak anytime soon.

Prevents Damage to Your Yard

Sewer pipe replacement will destroy parts of your yard. To restore the appearance of your lawn, you’ll have to spend money on re-landscaping. With sewer pipe lining in Paoli, PA, however, you can be sure that it will preserve the appearance of your property.

Reach out to us here at Pipeshark to learn more about cast iron pipe lining in Paoli, PA. You may also schedule your appointment by calling us or filling out our online form.

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