Understanding Pipe Bursting Technology

Pipe bursting technology in Bryn Mawr, PA, is an innovative way to replace an undersized or damaged pipe with a new pipe without having to perform a complete excavation and replacement project. The staff of Pipeshark is trained to provide pipe bursting to local residents, and we have a wealth of experience that allows us to make short work of almost every job.

Reasons to Perform Pipe Bursting

Pipe bursting is appropriate when complete removal and replacement of a pipe is necessary instead of just simple repairs. Trenchless pipe bursting in Bryn Mawr, PA, is also an excellent option for use under roadways, in highly manicured residential and commercial developments and in urban areas with limited access to the ground surface and subsurface.

Equipment Used in Pipe Bursting

Pipe bursting equipment in Bryn Mawr, PA, and elsewhere generally consists of a horizontal drilling rig with an attached drill bit that’s capable of breaking up the existing pipe. Shovels or small excavators may also be needed to dig entry, exit, and control trenches.

The Pipe Bursting Process

Our pipe bursting services in Bryn Mawr, PA, start out with our team excavating a small pit at each end of the pipe that’s being replaced. We then introduce the drilling apparatus into the entry pit and start the process. As the drill travels through the subsurface, it demolishes the existing pipe and drags a new pipeline in place behind it. This new pipeline is connected as needed to existing infrastructure, the drill rig is removed and any required pits are backfilled.

Trust Our Team if You Need Pipe Bursting Services

Contact Pipeshark’s knowledgeable pipe bursting contractors in Bryn Mawr, PA today so that you could benefit from our expertise or fill out our online form to schedule an appointment. We’ll gladly set up a time to consult with you about the specifics of your project right away.

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