An Overview of Pipe Boring

Pipe boring is a method that is used to install underground pipes. It results in minimal disruption to the surrounding area, and installations of up to 6000 feet or more have been completed, with pipes that can be up to 48 inches in diameter. This process is used to install many different types of power cable conduits and communications lines such as sewer and water lines, gas lines, product pipelines, oil lines, and many others. It is a cost effective method for installing these types of pipelines, and it is still a popular construction method.

Pipe boring has many benefits

Directional pipe boring has several significant benefits including a lower cost than other installation methods, faster completion times, less of an impact on the environment, a deeper installation pit, and more. There is minimal traffic disruption for most pipe boring projects, allowing traffic and business to be conducted as usual. There is no need for an access pit, and this saves time on each project. It allows for longer and deeper installations than many other methods, giving it a significant advantage and preference.

A directional bore machine is used

For each directional pipe boring project, a directional bore machine pushes a bore head that is connected to a hollow pipe into the ground at an angle. As each segment of drill pipe is pushed through, there is a new one added right behind it. The majority of directional bore machines use mud while a few of the machines use foam or air. Drilling fluid is a mix of water and bentonite clay in most cases, and there are additive that are added to it which improves its performance. However, it is designed to be non-toxic and safe for the environment.

Pipe boring can be used in several different conditions

There are many other types of pipe boring including auger boring, guided boring, and wet boring. A major benefit of pipe boring is that it can be customized for several different conditions. Wet boring or guided boring is often more effective for shorter or smaller diameter installations. It is crucial to have accurate geological data before deciding on a pipe boring project and there should also be a sufficient amount of space for the project to be completed and the equipment necessary for it.

If you need any type of pipe boring for a pipe or telecommunications line installation, contact a service professional at Pipeshark today by calling 610-557-1752 to ask any questions that you may have.