Risk Management

Up until the moment something goes wrong, contractors with no Risk Management processes look pretty much the same as those who do …then they look different …very different.

So be careful who you tie your future to.


RISK. We all know what it is, but it’s hard to quantify nonetheless. It’s often praised and compared to attributes like bravery and stamina. We’re encouraged to take it — take that chance that things will go well. And a lot of contractors do take that approach; and since most of the time things do go okay, they continue pushing ahead and “winning”. Their houseful of confidence sits upon a fragile foundation of luck. Because without the purposeful management of risk it’s mainly luck; and sooner or later that good fortune runs out and its evil twin will rise and smite you. When it does there is nothing wonderful or motivational about risk at all. It’s all bad.

General Patton said, “Take calculated risks. That is quite different from being rash.” We agree. We incorporate risk analysis into our normal management programs. Risks express themselves in all kinds of ways including health and safety, operational, monetary, environmental, and quality. Risk management is not just a line item in our policy statement. We live it. We work with our clients to identify the job risks and their consequences, and then create and follow processes which work to manage them. When you do your risks assessments thoroughly and address them as a team, the challenges are manageable because you’ve anticipated them and are prepared. The unmanageable challenges on a job are the risks that you did not foresee and so are not prepared for.

When your project starts make sure the path to success isn’t paved with luck.