Trenchless Pipe Bursting vs Traditional Excavation Repairs

When it comes to pipe repair, homeowners have several options to choose from depending on the nature of the issue, the severity of the damage, as well as the condition of their pipes. Aside from the most common method of repair, the traditional method involving excavation, trenchless pipe bursting in West Chester, PA is another popular option.

Pipeshark, one of the leading pipe bursting contractors in West Chester, PA, offers both of these excellent methods of repair. If you are wondering which one is better suited for your plumbing problem, read more below:

What is Pipe Bursting?

Pipe bursting is a trenchless repair method that uses a cone-shaped head to break the old pipe and pull in a new one. Pipe bursting services are possible without having to dig up your yard or driveway, making it a much more efficient and affordable option. Since your yard or driveway does not have to be dug up, pipe bursting is a much more efficient method of repair. It’s also more environmentally friendly, as it is less invasive than traditional repairs.

That said, pipe bursting technology is not ideal for all repairs. For one, it is limited to certain pipe sizes. Additionally, if you have older pipes, we don’t recommend this method, as it can damage the surrounding pipes and create more problems.

What is Traditional Excavation?

Traditional excavation is a repair method that requires digging up your yard or driveway to make necessary repairs. The digging process is easier said than done and can take up a lot of time and money to get the job done correctly.

Pipe bursting requires less labor and equipment to complete, is less invasive thanks to no excavation, and has a high success rate compared with traditional excavation methods. If you’re looking for a quick, affordable, and efficient repair solution, trenchless pipe bursting is the way to go. However, if you have older pipes, you may need traditional repairs.

While pipe bursting is a more affordable and efficient option, there are plumbing problems that may require traditional repairs. To learn more about pipe bursting equipment and the different sewer repair services we offer, contact Pipeshark today.